So Cold - Nikisha Reyes-Pile

Thursday, March 3, 2011

the hollow thud.

something's missing in my heart. there's a void left by something that was there before. I'm pretty certain there was something there before. Is it my mom? Is it my dad? Is it God? Is it not a someone but an actual something... or a somewhere? but I feel somewhat fine with this void being here. maybe it's not so difficult to acclimate to these voids in your heart. or is it just a pretentious acceptable condition that'll come back to haunt me for the rest of my life - suddenly and with no warning? I'm pretty sure that if I knocked on my heart right now, I'd be able to hear the hollow thud - the vibrations of my knock penetrating through my cardiovascular muscles and echoing through the hollowness of my heart. No..... metaphoricals aside... is there a hole in my heart that I'm dangerously not noticing right now?
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